The city is looking for it's place in the country again. It’s bringing in university projects, cleaning up the center of the city and working toward having a better community. With the cleaning of the downtown it pushes the negative energy outward. Yet, that is just in the center of the city. What happens to the rest of the town when the university isn’t in those areas? Who is helping clean that area? The North end of Flint, known not to be a nice place after dark. The streets named after States over on the East side; a known place for hookers and drugs. The University isn't concerned with these locations. There is a group starting their own movement. Rallying around a woman who has taken charge of cleaning up her neighborhood, going after the politicians of the districts and making them accountable for the negativity, crime and disaster the East side of Flint has become.
Renee Lynne Harvey isn’t the type of woman to sit around and let things happen. She raised a son on her own until he was 6 years old. When said son became a Soldier she became extremely active in the community with the Blue Star Mother’s program, a program dedicated to the mothers of serving Military Members. She became the Flint Chapter’s gleaming hope of revival and restoration as she took charge and brought fresh new ideas into the program. While her son was overseas fighting in Iraq, she was back home preparing packages to send, not only to her son, but to the rest of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now, her son is no longer serving in the Armed Forces and her focus has shifted as well. Renee is still active with the Blue Star Mothers, however, her town now needs her dedication for change. With her experience as a Blue Star Mother, she has built a program within her community of individuals in the neighborhood who want to help change the city's appearance. Her dedication is inspiring, it gravitates people toward her. Some who have lived in the neighborhood all their lives and are excited to see such individuals with the zeal and inspiration for change.
It’s no wonder I have such a dedication for the change in Freemasonry, it runs in the blood. Renee’ of course is my mother. Though at times she drives me nuts and annoys me with her consistency and her loudness. I still love her. That is my mother and I am proud to see her find her place in the community. It shows on her face as she gets into her projects— she absolutely loves what she is doing. She gets frustrated when the people around her don’t get involved.
I witnessed it this weekend as I helped her with her neighborhood for Mother’s Day. When the people sworn to protect her neighborhood don’t do their jobs, politicians, police etc. It can feel like she is a little overwhelmed, simply because she takes the weight of her community on her shoulders. This is her city and she refuses to allow it to go to waste at the hand of crime.
Without my mother’s dedication and passion toward her dedications, I wouldn't be the man I am today. I probably would not have the zeal and dedication I have toward Freemasonry, nor have the service attitude I had when I joined the United States Army. I wouldn't have the passion I have for the writing craft if it weren’t for my mother. In all reality, if it weren't for Renee Lynne Gardner (Harvey) I wouldn't exist.
Gentleman, these women are the reason you are here today. Rather, you are at odds and ends with your mother, just remember she is still your mother. We know the story of the Widow’s Son and I know he would show the same love and care for his mother because everything he was he owed to her.
I am a man of dedication and virtue that only a mother can teach. I am a Widow’s Son and wouldn't be without the love of my mother. So, to all the mothers of men who have had the sense of servitude to serve our great Nation, to become Freemasons and serve their communities; Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day.
*Photos courtesy of Renee and James Harvey*