Catching up with an old friend

"Hey Joe! How you been bro?" It's been a couple years since I had seen him. I spent hours with him just catching up on all the usual gossip. "Guess what!? I'm done with Active Duty. Yeah, I'm going to be in town for a while now."
I continued to talk with him for a while longer. We talked about some of his new neighbors and his family. We talked about relationships and what I was going to do now that I was out of the Army. It was a good visit. Joe served in the Army as well, though we have known each other since High School. So, he knows the kinds of challenges I had to face while serving on Active Duty and knows the challenges that await me as I am transitioning out of the Service. It's a good friendship we have, I still talk to his mom every now and then too. 

A couple of his friends stopped by and we all talked and laughed. It was great to be around good company such as Joe and his friends. Never a dull moment. After his friends left, we stayed there for a little while longer just talking until it was time to leave. 

"You're looking good bro." I stared at him when it was getting to be about that time to. I really didn't want to leave. It felt so good to be around someone who understood. It has been so lonely here in my hometown, where I don't really know anyone anymore. Joe is different, however. He listens and doesn't pass judgement. He laughs at all the right moments and makes even the most serious things seem funny. He's a jokester, always cracking jokes and making you laugh. It's hard to stress over anything with him because he makes things seem so light and shows you the true nature of life. He is overall a good, caring and honest man. 

I stood to leave, dusting off my dress uniform. I told him we would meet again and I would be around more often considering that I was back in town. We stood there looking at each other up and down. "It was good seeing you, bro." I raised my hand to my beret slowly, " I miss you bud. I miss my hero."