As a Master Mason continues further down the line in the studies of Freemasonry, he will soon become interested in the Scottish or York Rites. Both Rites continue on with the Story learned in the Blue Lodge Degrees and emphasize on the lessons taught within the Blue Lodge. Under the York Rite, the candidate will go from the Royal Arch degree, all the way to the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar. The Knights of Malta and Templar are emblematic of the original military orders organized to protect Christians traveling through pilgrimage into the Middle East. In the Knights Templar degree the Sir Knight takes an obligation to defend the Christian faith against any opposed.

Brethren, that intolerance and persecution is occurring as we speak. Regardless, your religious or political beliefs it is our responsibility to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. The original military orders had a purpose to protect Christians traveling into the Holy Land; Freemasonry, as a whole, has a purpose of protecting anyone who is being persecuted.
In the Middle East, Iraq to be exact, an organization has a foothold and is growing support rather quickly. They are growing support through fear. They earn the fear by killing innocent individuals and persecuting Christians who live in the country. ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham, is teaching intolerance of anyone who disagrees with them on a religious and political scale by beheading innocent children, raping and killing women and hanging men. Even if our nations around the world refuse to stop history from repeating itself, as seen in Germany, our obligation to do something about ruffians destroying the beauty and sanctity of the Human Race.

I encourage you, if you know of any brethren in the area to contact to them and remind them of their obligation. If you are interested in helping we can start a fund to assist the families in persecution. We can either help get them out of the country or help them go into hiding. If you are interested in doing something to help, please contact me via email:
Together we can stop tyranny one ruffian at a time. We can show the world the revelation of Love and destroy persecution. We can demonstrate the only thing we as Mankind are intolerable of is ignorance, despotism, and fanaticism. Let’s be the Freemasons we were meant to be and shine our light for the world to see.