As you all may know, I tend to use this website as a backboard of my musings. My theological, philosophical, Poetry, Masonic and other writing ideas have all been combined on this webpage. I enjoy the feedback I have received on some of the work. This article is nothing more than my personal musings and ideas about the York Rite degrees. You may agree or disagree with anything I write. Like Freemasonry, most of my writing and musings are subjective and based on the matter of opinion— there are a few that have historical factual context to them. If you disagree with anything you read on this website I encourage you to, please, comment with respect and dignity below, on Facebook, Twitter, or where ever you please. My intentions of my articles are to stimulate the minds of the audience, not to ostracize or belittle any particular group or individual. Simply to invite positive sharing of ideas. Thank you.
"York Rite: A Perspective"
By: Bro. Aaron Gardner, 32°, MPS
Since I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, we have all been asked to take a look into the other bodies surrounding Freemasonry. It could be Shriner, Grotto, Order of Eastern Star, Scottish Rite or York Rite. Some may not be interested, while others take on too much at one time. It can be exhausting to be a Master Mason, let alone add all the extra duties of other Masonic bodies. For those who are just coming into the Craft, I encourage you to go at your own pace. Do not rush, and enjoy the ride. If you feel one day you would like to progress further and learn more about the Craft and Freemasonry, then that is the time to do so. It does not have to be when you feel you are ready, because, let’s face it… There is no such thing as being completely ready for the light you will receive.I took my time after being raised. That is partially because when I was raised I did an all day degree. A lot of information shoved into my brain all at once. I needed time to learn it, digest it and become one with it. I did so by involving myself with many other groups of friends that were outside of lodge. I read online, I listened to podcasts, I ordered magazines and I even started writing my own thoughts out about what I was getting myself into. That’s how my enjoyment for writing started and Celestial Brotherhood. I have since become published on various other webpages, magazines, and have even heard my name on the same podcasts I listened to for more understanding. When I say, Freemasonry changed my life. I mean Freemasonry changed everything about who I am, almost as if it was over night. It’s been a difficult road like any other conquest, but, it has been a literal representation of the rough ashlar and I can see the lessons in Freemasonry happening in my life. My writing sparked an interest in a brother who was Scottish Rite in Oklahoma. I received an email asking if I would be at the reunion, that he would be honored to meet me. I agreed to attend the reunion. All the new light, I was receiving through the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction, amazed me. It has been an extreme humbling experience, opening my eyes to a world of astonishment. How could a brother who I know nothing of except for his title, be honored to meet and greet me, just a simple young Master Mason, and introduce me to the light he already has? Needless to say, I soaked up everything I could about the Scottish Rite. I formulated my own opinions, I dissected the symbolism and the words. I even signed up for more classes through the Master Craftsman Program— All so I can better understand Freemasonry more. Yet, that isn't all I have learned and it amazes me how much more I learn about not just Freemasonry, but, myself and my place in the world; with each dissection and study time I dedicate.
Even though I have gone through the classes, read the books and studied until dawn; I know there is more light and knowledge out there for me in the Scottish Rite alone. Yet, part of me wants to attend York Rite. I have talked to many York Rite Masons and they all encourage me to join, of course. They love their positions in the York Rite and are very proud to have those degrees, rightfully so. I just am not sure quite yet, how far I can continue or desire to continue. I obviously can go through the Royal Arch, being I have passed through the Royal Arch of Solomon in the Scottish Rite; and, as a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, surely I can go further into the Royal & Select Masters.