A Special Thanks to Bro. Tech

Tonight, I am writing a short post to thank someone very special. I have met this man because of The Midnight Freemasons and since have had a pretty awesome friendship. While I was stationed in Lawton, Oklahoma Bro. Tech stopped by my lodge and visited with us, bringing an awesome gift for a cigar lover, like myself. I later met up with Bro. Tech at the Scottish Rite reunion in Guthrie and smoked a couple cigars with him there. He is a fantastic brother to have around, and a great man to just talk to. 

With his love for the Craft, his knowledge and education Bro. Tech makes the perfect candidate for helping. He has helped a lot since our friendship blossomed, by whispering good counsel, stimulating ideas and of course he has helped edit my articles going to different magazines and some articles even on Celestial Brotherhood. It’s not that I am incapable of editing myself, but it is a lot of help to have another set of eyes on the articles making sure I didn't miss anything. 

Bro. Tech, Thank you for the help, it is greatly appreciated. I know the last couple of days I bombarded you with different articles that I was unsure of and doubted my abilities. Thank you for keeping up and editing what you can as quickly as you have.