Well, on my drive to Starbuck’s (Not a place I prefer to be at to write, for your information.), I received a phone call from the beautiful Emily. She informed me that I should look a little bit into the family and try not to lose faith in humanity over a family on TV. I took her advice and sure enough I found some interesting things about the Thompson family, mainly-- they are very charitable. They donate a lot of things to different charity organizations. It’s quite spectacular all the great things they do, for example; she has donated all her toys and fun stuff to those less fortunate.
Let’s get things straight, even with all my research into the family, I am not a big supporter of the show. I refuse to watch a reality show about someone who hasn’t actually done anything, ie; Big Brother, Jersey Shore, etc. I don’t mind the reality shows that are influenced by people who have successful business and have actually done something we can learn from. Not to knock those people who get their success from a reality show, they can become very successful with their own businesses and ideas, simply because a reality TV show gave them the boost they needed, just like DJ Pauly D from Jersey Shore. I however have regained faith in humanity a little more by researching into this family. They are very humble and considerate with what they have earned, rather I agree or not with how they earned it.
There is something Masonic here to learn however, besides the charity. When you were hoodwinked for the first time you were asked a very important question-- it would determine your acceptance into the lodge and fraternity. What if you didn’t answer it like everyone else? Would it be a wrong answer? I’d like to believe that it isn’t. We are taught through out our degrees and regular work to trust in our brothers. To have good faith among men. I was failing to have that faith in society, just based on something I perceived and didn’t truly understand. I was failing to be a good Mason because I wasn’t looking at things with the working tools. Even in the most absurd circumstances people can prove to you that we are truly one celestial brotherhood. If it wasn’t for Emily to show me the gracious efforts by the Thompson family I would have gone through life passing judgment on this family not understanding how caring they truly are. I learned from Emily that I need to square my actions and apply the plumb-line not just to my fraternal family through Freemasonry, but to my family through the Creator.