Leaving Our Mark

I was reading an article in the section titled ‘Traveling Templar’ in side the December 2013 edition of ‘The Working Tools’. It was an article by Bro. Barry Newell and it really had me thinking. It talked about a Mason’s Mark; what it consists of, how it is recorded and the history of the Mark between speculative Freemasonry and operative. To say the least the article was very intriguing and I would recommend it to anyone interested in moving on towards the York Rite degrees. though I do aspire to eventually be called amongst the ranks of future enlightenment and understanding, I myself am not affiliated with any of the York Rite degrees. I do however, have some insight on what Bro. Barry Newell is talking about.

I believe Bro. Newell to be correct in the fact that we are all looking to leave our mark on this world. There was a picture I saw the other day that made me think of this entire article, it was a series of questions that we are afraid to ask ourselves but should, the question was; If the last thing you do in life is what you are doing now, is that how you want to be remembered for the rest of eternity? To be perfectly honest, when I read that question for the first time I was rather excited about it. I was in the middle of talking to the love of my life and writing another article. Of course, if this is the last thing I am known for in my life (my loving attitude and writing), I would be ecstatic. Unfortunately, some of us may not be as lucky while reading this article and may be doing other things that we may be ashamed of. Regardless, that would essentially be the mark you leave on this world.

Yet, Bro. Newell goes further into detail about choosing our personal mark to brand this world with. Another key point of my inspiration for this article comes from a drive I had in the lovely desert of Kuwait (It really isn’t lovely, I can tell you more about Kuwait if you would like on a latter date). I have a personal feeling and belief that we are all like the grains of sand in the desert of Kuwait. While we are constantly trying to find out how we can leave our mark, we are nothing but dust in the wind. If we collectively search together for our mark then we are more of a sand dune. Of course, that sand dune will fade with time, but that dune will still make a lasting impression rather it is whipped through the air in a dust storm tearing apart buildings, or pictures are taken of it in its beauty. If one sand particle that belonged there didn’t exist, that sand dune wouldn’t either. I believe we were set here on Earth, not to make our own personal mark, but to set a collective mark together and with that our personal mark would be distinguishable in society.

When we talk the Revolutionary War, we talk of Patriots. When we talk of Patriots we think of some of the most influential, key and team players. We think of Bro. George Washington, Bro. Benjamin Franklin and Bro. Paul Revere. Yet, there were still a plethora of Patriots that helped and these influential persons become known for what they are today. With out each other, all of them would be nobody’s. The old saying goes "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense (Thomas Paine), the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain” - John Adams. They needed each other as a grain of sand needs to cluster to be able to be a dune or a sandstorm. We all individually need each other as the oceans fill with individual raindrops we unite as one and remain unstoppable. That is the only way we will truly leave a mark on this world, together as the one happy family of the Creator as we can be.
