My family all worked at General Motors at some point in their life. If they didn't then they worked in close relations to General Motor's. The stores were frequented by General Motor's employees which brought in money for the shop owners and if
the GM employees weren't getting paid neither were the shop owners. It is a very good idea to be self efficient as a community. However, times have changed. Though I still give Emily a little lip for buying Audi and what have you, I am really just joking. I mean, I drive a Ford. I didn't support General Motors employees by buying a Ford nor did I really support the economy of Detroit. Let's face it. General Motors is no longer supporting the Flint community and Ford is no longer supporting the Detroit community.
They have all moved on to other countries and are making cars elsewhere, though they keep their headquarters in Michigan. The truth is, our economy is no longer based on self efficiency. Our economy grows based on a global level. If the world is doing well, our local economies do well. If the world is broke, we are broke. The facts of having a global economy. Now don't start your rants about the 1% or the Federal Reserve or any of that. I am not here to debate politics.
What I am here to say is that on a global level we have a responsibility. Even if we try to purchase things in our local economy there are still those items that we can not live with out that are made in other countries. For example: Aveeno Lotion is made in Belgium, Apple products are in China, BIC pens are made in Mexico, etc. We go on about our daily lives using items everyday that are not made in the United States of America. Even the tie around your neck is more than likely not made in the United States unless it is made by Dog Wood Black. The American Flag you wave at parades and even the one standing proud on your front porch was not made in the United States. Fun fact, there is one company still in existence that makes American Flags out of Ohio. They are called Annin. You can follow the link to their website (Note: I am not sponsored by this company by any means and just acknowledge they are an American Company).
So, even though we may not be able to support our local economy directly any longer there is still something we can do to help support each other. We can support our own local economy within our lodge. I do not mean our personal lodges but our lodge on a global outreach of brotherhood. There are a number of companies that are founded and still have its roots deep within Freemasonry. For example; you need a new tie? Check out Fraternal Ties. I wrote an article about Brother JP Gomez a while back titled Fraternal Ties, or, do you need a lawyer? There are a plethora of Lawyers that are brothers in the world no matter where you are. In all reality, we can be self efficient within the ranks of our fraternity. We have computer gurus that are Mason's, we have water treatment plants ran by Masons, we have it all. Ask around. Ask your brethren at your lodge if they know of anybody who can help you build that deck that you have been putting off for the last couple of years. If there isn't anyone who can help you there is "Yellow Pages" so to speak of different companies ran by Freemasons. One called the "International Masonic Blue Pages", where you can find any craft of work you need, or the "Masonic Yellow Pages", then there is even another titled "Masonic Blue Pages".
The resources are there for you to become supporters of our crafts individuals. It is what makes our organization so great. We started as a group of literal free masons and have evolved into a world wide organization of different jobs. It keeps our organization strong the individuality of our lodges. Support Freemasonry, Buy Masonic.