Guest Blogging

Recently, I have been asked if I would like to guest blog for a dear brother and friends blog. I have to say I am honored, excited and I would be stupid not to take the opportunity. If you don't know Bro. JP Gomez, owner of Fraternal Ties, you should. I have talked about him in this very blog. Bro. Gomez is a good man and a great Mason who dedicates his free time to the craft and creates some fantastic ties and artwork related to Freemasonry. Even with his hardships that have been put in his life he still manages to find time to do work within the lodge and outside the lodge. For more on Bro. Gomez and his work check out his Website or his Facebook by clicking on the hyperlinks I have provided.

Yes, being asked to guest blog on his blog has been a privilege to say the least. I will be taking this opportunity. It is a fantastic opportunity to be heard by other audiences that have, otherwise, not heard of Celestial Brotherhood. I will still dedicate time to this blog, dedicate some of my time to his blog and my book writing. I will not be mirroring this blog with his nor will there be repeats of what I have to say here that I have said on his. I may reference Celestial Brotherhood on his blog or may reference his blog on this one. However, the material will be as original as I can get. I hope to hear from the audience I have now on the other blog as well as some of his audience on this blog. 

Has Bro. JP has asked me to write as a guest on his blog I will be doing the same for this one. I will be looking around for potential bloggers and seeing what they have and seeing if they have anything they can add to this one. With that the description of the blog will essentially change. I already have a few people in mind that I would like to work with on enlightening the world.

On other news, I will be finishing up my studies on the First 5 books of the Old Testament and the Greek Mythologies that I have started posting about in the previous post. As soon as I am finished I will most definitely post everything. However, my next post is a response to an E-mail that I have received lately. I like getting E-mails from the audience and I try to respond back as much as I able. However, I feel this one E-mail that I have received needs to be addressed publicly.

Also, a special note to my audience: If you are trying to comment on the blog you must have a Google account as it is Google who owns Blogger and is my host page for this entire blog.

Thanks again for all my readers I greatly appreciate you and your commitment to reading this blog even when it may appear dry and unchanged due to my absence and busy lifestyle. It is you who keep this blog alive and for that one special reader who always encourages me, the light of my world, I love you EAG.