The first bit of information you need to know is Autism is incurable. It isn't high blood pressure. It also isn't an excuse that people make up for misbehavior or anything. It is an actual disorder that affects roughly 1 out of 88 children. More prevalently in boys. Roughly 1 million Americans are living with Autism. Like I said before it has affected you rather you realize it or not.
Next, What is Autism? It is a disorder that is commonly mistaken for Asperger syndrome. They are related both on the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Which is a combination of multiple brain developmental syndromes. It is common to see Autistic children excel in visual skills, music, math and art. Well, all these symptoms are not bad there are negative aspects of Autism. It is a disorder that effects the socialization of the child. If you have a newborn here are some signs that you need to take your child to the doctor and have a proper diagnosis:
For the first year if your child does not give big smiles, other joyous expressions or making vocal sounds back and forth including the typical baby talk of babbling, or physical movements like pointing waving, or other motor skills usually developed within the first 12 months of being born.
At 16 months if your child does not begin using words. Typical words are mama dada etc.
At 2 years your child should typically develop two word phrases. If your child does not, you really should consider seeing a doctor.
This is the hard one... If your child loses any speech, or social skills in general at any age, you should begin looking into Autism.
Your child may have a difficult time trying to communicate with you or others. Your child may stimulate his/her mind with repetitive tasks such as moving and removing objects. This is a test that doctors use with children with colored blocks and they watch how the child interacts with the blocks. Among these symptoms there are many more that can be considered Autistic and should be treated with care.
There are plenty of resources online to help research about Autism. Yet there is something more...These websites can help those parents and children already going through this problem. We are researching it daily trying to help find ways to overcome Autism, the causes and much more.
I have looked into organizations that Freemasonry would appear to be behind however I haven't found any with the exception of the Shriners hospital of course. But Autism affects children and adults alike, its only the first three years of life that you notice it.
I urge you to bring this up to your lodge. Make a motion that your lodge sets up a program to help fund or research Autism. We have a great organization right at the blue lodge level that is more than capable of doing such. If your lodge decides to do something about it please let me know. I will include your lodge as lodge of the week for every lodge I get to help fund Autism Awareness. I may even start making pins with a "Square and Compass" and the puzzle pattern ribbon. A great way to show your connection to the fraternity and your dedication to helping others.
You can research Autism and donate to help research at the links below: