My Profession of Faith

Before I begin I would like to give you a little back story. Being baptized Catholic and going to a Catholic church up until I was a teen I have been indoctrinated with the Catholic belief system. After I became a teen however I started attending a Baptist church that my step-dad's mother went to. In fact her family in it's entirety attended service at this church. I will not go into too much detail about the church but I will say this. I have learned a lot about religions and different aspects of life in my teen years. My grandma always saw the best out of me in the Christian faith. I however have always been at war inside with what my personal beliefs actually were regarding religion. I have always been a man who thinks on the logical level in regards to sociological events and historical events in history. I have always loved to study the social sciences. Being that I tend to know quite a bit of history and I am knowledgable in languages I use to read the Bible in a different context as everyone else. I always read the Bible on historical basis than a spiritual ideology.

Now, don't get me wrong I always practiced Christianity in my own little way and believed Jesus to be my savior. However, his words spoke to me in allegories. I always doubted what I read and have been taught to never believe everything you see and hear. Yet, when I questioned the Bible that teaching was suppose to go out the window. "That is God's Word and no man can challenge Him on it." Needless to say because of my personal beliefs on religion I had to suppress what I was feeling about God to just make it by with out ridicule or being misunderstood. Instead I would have to sneak around and read different books on different spiritual ideas and even would go so far as to make a makeshift Ouija board out of cardboard. The only people that seemed to support my quest for enlightenment about my true spiritual beliefs were my mother and my grandma on my mom's side of the family. Everyone else was strictly against it and said that it was devil worship.  So, in my teen years I lived a double life. I would go to my schools library and check out books about auras and ESP and different belief systems. I even read the Quran under my veil of concealment. All of this while I would pretend to be the good Christian boy that went to church with my parents just trying to find my way through this world and to heaven. When I had questions I would research them for myself, going to different forums online or even asking people I knew personally and ask. If I found something that I thought was interesting regarding my supposed Christian faith in any of these other belief systems I would make a mental note of it and engage in conversation with individuals who represented the church to find out what they had to say about the matter. My favorite engagement still sticks with me today, "Muslims and Christians do not worship the same god." I hear this one all the time. I think it is rather funny actually because it contradicts EVERYTHING the Bible says. We all know of course that the god of Abraham is also the god of his children. One of those children just so happens to bear the name of Islam, Ismael. Regardless, I have heard it time and time again from numerous Christian sources. When my Christian sources began to contradict themselves and I called them out on it. I then again got the "Don't question God." speech. Putting me back into my place as my cover, a teenage Christian boy trying to make it to heaven. 

Years later at the age of 24 I am here to finally declare what it is exactly I believe. I wrote this in my notebook last night to help me better understand where I stand in the world. I believe that I am mature enough now in my knowledge of the world to finally make a statement of who I really am. Yet, I am still open to more enlightenment to help better guide me to my end goal. Paradise at the end of this life.

My Profession of Faith

Thomas Paine inspired me to write this from his words in his work,The Age of Reason. He describes the Bible and the many accounts that the Biblical stories have had before it's time. It depicts Christianity as it is. A fallacy written by men to hold power over other men. Countless times we have seen wars waged over religion. Thomas Paine does not believe in either the Christian mythology nor the Jewish mythology. He also does not proclaim to be Muslim either. Instead he claims to believe in a higher being. Thomas Paine describes the prophecies of the god in the Bible, Torah and Quran as hearsay. Which is exactly what it is. It is a line of stories passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. I however have a slight different outlook on it all together. Where Thomas Paine disbelieves the entirety of the Bible, Torah and Quran; I have no doubt that the higher being did reveal itself to the prophets in these religions as well as the many other religions and mythologies of the world. However, it has been passed on by so many people through so many languages and societies that the original word has been lost in translation and perverse to better serve the powerful. 
I believe the are all prophets in the name of a higher being. That the only true way to understand the Great Architect is to study all his prophets across the world and to gain your own knowledge of the deity. Study the sciences of the world and learn from the gifts the Creator has given us.  

There is no doubt that there is a divine connection between yourself and the world around you. We call this the soul. We can feel the connection by taking a break from our busy lives and admiring the Creators work. The treetops whisper the Word, the mountains belch it. The stars dance around telling the stories of the past and the future. 

There is no wrong way to view the Creator, but there is no right. Rather you meditate like a Buddhist Monk, kneel on your knees to the Cross or pray facing the East. The end result is the same. Our souls are meant to be with the interlocking web of connection. The Creator's cement in which was used to create the heavens and this Earth. 

We were made with a purpose. That purpose is not to war over who is right. That purpose was not to establish one group of persons superior over the rest based on their ethnicity, gender, color, creed or nationality. No, Instead out purpose is to find ourselves, each other and reconnect with the God of the Universe. 

God is perfect and everything God creates is perfect. Yet, there is flaws within humans therefore the common misconception would be the perfection of God is falsified. But we live in a universe of duality. Where there is man there is woman, where there is good there is bad. Where there is negative there is positive. So we face a conscience decision if my Creator is perfect and it's creations are perfect, then I am perfect. But my Creator has flaws in which I have flaws. For every positive I have a negative. I am my Creator's most prized possession yet I am it's biggest mistake. My soul belongs to the perfect part of God while my Earthly body belongs to the antagonistic side of God. My creator is one being, perfect but not. 

If my soul belongs to the imperfect being then I am still a child of God. Both parts. Then it can be understood that which Christ admits he is the son of man, but is nothing less than the son of God and admits his Earthly brothers and sisters as spiritual brothers and sisters, he coincidentally acknowledges that we are all children of God. Then it is not blasphemous to proclaim as Christ is the son of God, so is Moses, Mohammed, Buddah, or even the Dali Lama. The Pharaohs of Egypt are sons of God, and the Catholic nuns are daughters. Then it is safe to say that I too am the son of God. I am perfect like her but imperfect like he. The nature of duality. 

With this I proudly proclaim my faith in the Creator of all worldly religions and mysteries. My soul is one with my Creators and it is no fault to a church, synagogue, or mosque. Like we all should come to know our Creator it is through self-prophecy. Only the Creator can tell you what is right and not through hearsay. 

Now that I have come to terms with it, I know I may receive a backlash from whom ever may read this. I also may get an eye of concern from different readers. But my truths are self-evident. Rather you agree or disagree with me that is your personal belief. I just had to finally come out of my shell and express what I truly believe.