By: Bro. Aaron Gardner, 32°, MPS
If you haven't checked my fan page on Facebook, first, let me ask you why? Secondly, Go check it out and like it at It’s where I post the majority of my articles being published on Celestial Brotherhood, The Midnight Freemasons, IronMike Magazine, and the various other publications that I have been so lucky to write for.
Next, when you do check out my Facebook page you will notice a charge from a fundraiser called Brothers in Aprons for Brothers in Arms. This fundraiser was an idea brought forth by another Mason and Veteran, Bro. Brian Evichian. It calls for all Master Masons to help raise funds to help over 300,000 homeless Veterans get off the street and find their mission in life again.
For every $100.00 that the fundraiser earns, I will run 1 mile. My goal is to run a minimum of 1,000 miles this year. If the goal of $100,000 is met before the end of the year, I will continue to run for every $100.00 that is earned. You will be able to follow my runs through videos, posts and the Nike+ app tracking my distances. All proceeds will be dispersed evenly amongst the various Veteran organizations.
I am asking every brother to like the Brothers in Aprons for Brothers in Arms Facebook page, share the cause with every brother you know and please help donate to help our Veterans get off the streets. I further ask every Worshipful Master to bring forth this cause in their lodge, if every lodge donates $100.00, the goal to helping these Men and Women who vowed to give their lives for us will come quickly and easily.
You can help donate by visiting the fundraising page located below.
Thank you, and God Bless the United States of America; Home of the Free, because of the Brave!