Just a quick update on things going on in my neck of the woods.
Recently, my Army Chaplain has read my blog. In particular the post regarding my profession of my faith (Located here). He and I had an interesting conversation about God what I believe, what he believes and so forth. I was rather flattered to hear that he thought my thoughts and my beliefs were very well written. Our conversation went further into things such as the Garden of Eden and a lot of things that I have studied and are currently studying and researching in order to write for this blog, as well as for my own personal knowledge. The Chaplain then brought up an idea, suggesting he knows that I love to read and I am very good at my research myself, to look into a book titled "23 Minutes in Hell". I am currently downloading it on iTunes as we speak. Does anyone know anything about this book? Is it going to make me understand where I stand with religion or is it going to just quite frankly, piss me off? I hope it isn't the latter.
On other news I have recently started using a new program to help write my stories. The name of the program is Scrivener. It is an interesting program and so far I like everything I am capable of doing with the program. I have since used it to print out my short stories that I have already written. I may even start using it for my blogging. It helps keep me organized. If any of my readers have experience in this program I could always use some pointers. Please contact me with your thoughts and ideas.