A bit of an update

EAG was talking to me the other day and reminded me that I am about due for another Blog entry. She is absolutely right. I apologize for slacking a bit on this medium of communication. I have been focusing most of my creative energy towards my book and the rest of my energy goes towards work, Baseball and the lovely EAG.

I am now at 17,000 words in my book and feel that I can at least hit 20,000 here in the next day or two. Depending on what is going on in the life of a Soldier, of course.

I have a whole selection of topics I would like to talk about and we will start them hopefully this coming up Monday. I just need a little bit of time in order to gather my thoughts and figure out exactly how to write it all out. I have been reading a lot of books lately and writing my own so I feel that I may be a little bit better prepared for it.

If you have anything you would like to see me talk about by all means shoot me a tweet or a message.