Freemasonry Irrelevant

If you read my twitter posts you may know that recently I have heard a Soldier in my unit tell me that Freemasonry is not relevant in today's society. To be honest at first I was rather upset to find someone who thought this. Freemasonry means a lot to me. Since I can remember, I have heard stories about Freemasonry. From the Forefathers of our great nation to the Templar's protecting pilgrims making the dangerous trek across the holy lands. Even though none of my family members were Freemasons at the time I became one, I still had a huge interest in the craft. It was a part of history, some extremely influential people happened to be Accepted amongst brothers. If you can't name any just look into Bro. Todd E. Creason's books. He writes about influential American Mason's frequently. There are more on top of them around the world. I knew with all this history I wanted to be a part of something. Something so great and better than myself, when I get to the Grand Celestial Lodge I can be told I was a great and just servant and know in my heart that those words are true.

But is Freemasonry honestly relevant? All these things I can do in my spare time else where. Rather I volunteer at a local soup kitchen, donate to the various charities, or participate in some kind of program that serves the communities youth etc. There are literally dozens of ways I can do the philanthropy part of Freemasonry outside the lodge with out the use of the lodge. So what good is it? Why does it seem that society views us as a social club instead of the history changing society that we are? We have built nations. We have destroyed governments and created governments all in a days work. Our Free and Accepted philosophy founded the basis of the United States. 

This week I had to dig down inside me and figure it all out. I had to divest myself from what I had already gained through Freemasonry and really search myself to figure out what it was about Freemasonry that was so attractive to me and hopefully how we can attract a number of good honest worthy men to become brethren. What did I find?

Well first off, What attracted me to Freemasonry? The pedigree of the craft itself. Being a huge history buff in order to become a Freemason and learn the symbols it was an honor. Always wanting to learn and study Freemasonry seemed perfect for me because lets face it, we are all just seeking that final word. The path to that word is more knowledge. Nobody truly understands how powerful the phrase, "Knowledge is power" really is. Do I think I made the right choice to join the Free and Accepted Masons? Absolutely! It was the best decision of my life next to following the light 24 years ago. I have learned a lot of information through this fraternity, had the support group to help learn it and the people to drive me to learn more. On top of it all I get to participate in the thing I enjoy most in this world. Helping others. 

Now the task I have for you is can you divest yourself of all the things in this world we hold dear and tell me what brings you to Freemasonry? What keeps Freemasonry alive in your heart? Divest yourself of all your knowledge of the fraternity and take yourself back to being a younger man knocking on the door and asking. When you were asked what you were searching for, with the same literal words that we all replied with, what were you meaning? We all learn through Freemasonry that words, symbols and actions all have an allusion that is more than the actual event. What was the allusion of your response to enter the lodge? Only you can answer this. There is no book answer, and it can not be found in your monitor. I will not even give you any ideas other than my own personal experience.

Now, that we have your reasoning behind becoming a Freemason. What is your reasoning behind staying in this fine organization? Is it the camaraderie? The sense of belonging? 

I stay with this organization because, although it appears to the world we do not have a fighting cause anymore. I know deep down in my heart that we are fighting the good cause with brothers alike.

We have a strong battle to fight still and as of right now we are losing. We are losing members to all sorts of causes. Some of them we can not prevent such as death. Yet there are other reason's we are losing membership. Boredom is number 1. Members just simply lack that zeal that attracted them to the organization in the first place. Let's show our brethren how we can still appeal to the masses of people and still be selective to who we allow enter into our organization.

No matter our reasonings for Joining the Freemasons we all have a responsibility as Freemasons. That responsibility is to ensure the relevancy of Freemasonry and prove that our reign is not an object of the past.
