Fraternal Ties

Recently, I told a brother that I would feature his company on this blog. However, because I lack the skills with creating banners I couldn't make a banner to represent what Fraternal Ties really is. Until I can figure out what I am doing with blogger and adding a banner to my blog I will just write a post about his company.

If you do not know Bro. J.P Gomez you really should. I follow his blog and see the new items he creates. He is genuinely what we look for in our fraternity. Fraternal Ties is a one man show. Bro. Gomez is a dedicated father, an employee and also holds multiple titles at his own company. He commits his remaining time to his company as owner, designer, producer, and public relations specialist. A company that you would normally expect to have an entire staff dedicated to different jobs, Bro. Gomez runs all on his own. Good use of the 24-inch gauge in every way brother.

What are some of the products he produces you may ask? Well Ties may be in his name but that isn't all he does.  In fact on top of his quality neck ties, he designs exquisite bow ties and admirable art work. All of which portrays what we hold dear to our hearts in the craft. You can check his website out and see what he can offer you here. Just please remember when you order something from Fraternal Ties, he is a fellow brother, and he is a lone man working to fulfill other orders as well. Be patient and enjoy the fantastic quality you will not get from some other company. You can't rush art.

After you receive your necktie, bow tie or artwork from Fraternal Ties, do not forget to use our normal communications that keeps our craft alive to help Bro. J.P Gomez keep his business going. There is no better advertisement than word of mouth.

On another note. If there is any brother out there that knows a thing or two about how Blogger works and how to create banner ads please help me. I would like to show support for Bro. J.P on this page through advertisement.